Facilities Usage
The Board believes that, while the facilities of the district are primarily for the use of the school program, there is a secondary responsibility to the community at large.
District / Departments / District Office & Operations / Operations & Facilities / Facilities Usage
The Board believes that, while the facilities of the district are primarily for the use of the school program, there is a secondary responsibility to the community at large. To this end, the school facilities are available to the community and to groups within the community whenever said use does not conflict with the school program and subject to the criteria enumerated below.

- All nonschool facility use must be scheduled through the building facility use coordinator. An applicant must assure the building facility use coordinator that the group/organization will comply with all rules and regulations; and must assure that the group/organization will respect the property,
equipment, and grounds of the school.- sponsoring organization or group will indicate that they:
- Will guarantee orderly behavior;
- Will underwrite any damages due to their use of the premises;
- Will pay for the use of equipment, property, or grounds at the established rates.
- Individual schools have first priority over the use of their own facilities.
- Use of school facilities shall be available to groups that represent the entire community or a major fraction thereof, or to any group when the benefits derived accrue to the welfare of the entire community. School facilities may be available for commercial use on a space available basis.
- No out-of-school group will begin with its activities until school is dismissed in the afternoon and the students have left the building or the principal has determined that there would be no interference with normal school functions.
- Any violation of district policy, the terms and conditions for building/facilities use and/or variance from the type of use proposed on the application shall constitute grounds for revocation of the approval and for refusal of permission to use district facilities at any future time.
- Approved applications are not transferable. No organization shall submit an application for another organization or individual.
- Users of school facilities shall confine themselves to the areas and equipment approved in the application.
- As a general rule, a custodian should be on duty whenever a school building is used by an organization or group. Supervision shall be required for the security, safety and proper use of the facility. In most cases a regular district employee should be on duty or in attendance during the entire time district facilities are in use. During normal hours when school personnel are on duty, the cost of this employee may or may not be absorbed by the district depending on the community use proposed. If the proposed use is scheduled for a time when no custodian or other regular employee is on duty, a fee will be charged to provide this service unless special permission has been granted for supervision that will be provided by other means.
- Kitchen equipment will not be used by any group unless arrangements are made to have one of the regular nutrition services workers present. Use of kitchen facilities is not included with approval of application by principals, building facility use coordinators or designees. (See nutrition services fee schedule and contract.)
- The district may consider loaning or renting certain furniture and equipment not listed on the rental fee schedule, subject to consideration of risk, replacement cost, and use provisions defined in #3. The borrower will assume responsibility for damage or loss.
- Use of supplies, such as those used in copy machines and duplicators are subject to the fee schedule when used for any reason other than directly related to instruction or administration purposes.
- The Board reserves the right to require a cash bond to protect the district against any potential damages arising from non-school use of school property, equipment or grounds.
- School buses are to be utilized only in connection with regular school activities and are not available to community groups.
- All district facilities and grounds are drug, alcohol and tobacco free zones when school is in session. Persons using school facilities shall not have at any time in their possession nor shall they consume, sell, give or deliver any tobacco products, or illegal or illegally obtained drugs or substance. No organization shall be eligible to use the Sisters School District facilities when, in the judgement of the decision-making authority, the activities proposed are detrimental to the building or its contents or unacceptable to the community or not in the public interest.
- In accordance with the federal Gun-Free School Zone Act, possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone is prohibited. A “school zone”, as defined by federal law means, in or on school grounds or within 1,000 feet of school grounds.
- Prior approval must be granted for vehicle access to any field or grounds area other than parking lots.
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