Operations Staff
Sisters School District is comprised of three schools (Elementary, Middle and High School) plus our alternative programs for high school students.
Stock, Ryan
Ryan Stock, Director of Operations
Starnes, Mary
Mary Starnes, Operations Specialist
Starnes, Jared
Jared Starnes, Maintenance Specialist
Quick, Kevin
Kevin Quick, Maintenance Specialist
Pelly, Paul
Morzov, Mark
Mark Morzov, Substitute Bus Driver
Gibson, Kerry
Kerry Gibson, Bus Driver
Evans, TJ
TJ Evans, Lead Custodian, Sisters Middle School
Duggan, Walter “Bud”
Walter "Bud" Duggan, Bus Driver
Draxler, Tim
Tim Draxler, Substitute Bus Driver
Bourdeau, Julianne
Ast, Teri
Teri Ast Transportation


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