Talento y superdotación
we identify Talented and Gifted students (with regard to intellectual and measures of Mathematics and Reading achievements) for students performing at the 97% tile or better

Within the Sisters School District we identify Talented and Gifted students (with regard to intellectual and measures of Mathematics and Reading achievements) for students performing at the 97% tile or better.  We also look at multiple measures in order to assess potential when a student is within the standard error of measurement of meeting the 97% tile.

Each identified student has a personalized education plan developed to meet their rate and level of instruction. These plans are based on the needs, interests of the students and incorporate consideration of multiple options from each school sites’ pyramid of services.  We consider both acceleration and enrichment options.

Parents have rights with regard to identification, participation, appeals and complaints. While parents can choose from the options, they cannot require them. In the best interest of each child, the plan is a collaborative effort of the student, teacher, and parent.  Each school site has a part-time or extended TAG facilitator to help support the student, teachers and parents.

TAG Characteristics

Characteristics, attributes, and behaviors of talented and gifted children are multi-tiered.  The information listed below is a basic chart developed by Dr. Mary Frazier at the University of Georgia.

Traits, Attitudes, and Behaviors

Addressing Students T.A.G. Rate & Level

Documentation of addressing a T.A.G. student’s rate and level will occur through each T.A.G. student’s written plan a minimum of two times per tri-mester.

  • Building-wide T.A.G. facilitators will notify teachers of which students are T.A.G. They will consult and support the teachers as needed for their development of each T.A.G. students’ Personalized Educational Plans. T.A.G. facilitators will encourage parents to participate in developing their child’s Personalized Education Plan (P.E.P.) to address the rate and levels of their child’s learning. T.A.G. facilitators will also monitor the transfer of P.E.P.’s to new teachers.
  • The teacher retains the right and responsibility to choose the appropriate option that the school will offer to support each T.A.G. student’s rate and level of learning. These Personalized Ed. Plans will be transferred and updated among teachers that will be implementing the plans. Rate and level adjustments for T.A.G. students will be made as follows:
    1. Proactive planning for meeting a T.A.G. student’s rate and level will occur by various methods of pre-assessment. For example, questioning strategies, testing probes, observations and/or standards based assessments. The teacher will choose the method of doing pre-assessment and use various strategies on a regular basis.
    2. Reflective documentation of addressing a T.A.G. student’s rate and level will occur on a reasonable basis.  This will be done by reflecting on teaching adjustments and provisions made to address rate and level due to teacher judgment, differentiated instruction, or student request.
  • Documentation of addressing a T.A.G. student’s rate and level will occur through each T.A.G. student’s written plan a minimum of two times per trimester.



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