Programas únicos
En todo el Distrito Escolar de Sisters, los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de cursar programas y clases que son difíciles de encontrar en cualquier otro lugar.

Unique Programs & Classes

Throughout the Sisters School District, students have an opportunity to take programs and classes that are hard to find anywhere else. Classes like  Interdisciplinary Experiential Education (IEE) to get students outside into our backyard, or our Luthier program where students get hands-on opportunities to build musical instruments, or our Performing Arts program.

In addition to a great and caring atmosphere at each of the three schools, Sisters High School was named a “School of Excellence” by the State of Oregon and the Sisters School District was recently ranked in the Top 10 School Districts in the State.

Sisters High School offers six career academies. Students are required to take elective credits in a career academy of their choice. The goal is to make education more meaningful and thoughtful for students. A variety of programs suited to the unique interests of the student body account for part of Sisters High School’s success. There are many unique, grant-funded programs offered throughout the Sisters Schools which help to make this an extra special place.

Sciences & Mathematics

The High School’s  math programs integrate math concepts from everyday life into classroom lessons. Course offerings of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, and statistics build toward college-credit level calculus.

The science program incorporates laboratory work, chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy and wilderness ecology. The Sisters Science Club, a group made up of retired professors, doctors, and more have developed a co-curricular learning model that supports all sciences taught within the Sisters School Distrct.  The Sisters Science Club also hosts the annual Science Fair every year in Febrero.

Other co-curricular learning opportunities for students interested in math and sciences include:

  • Interdisciplinary Environmental Education (IEE)
  • Club de ciencias Sisters
  • Lego Robotics
  • Flight Science

Unique Programming & the Arts

Sisters Schools are well-supported through unique and innovative programming that help make the school experience memorable for all students. Unique, grant-funded, learning programs include:

  • Interdisciplinary Environmental Expedition (IEE)
  • Americana
  • Chino mandarín
  • Luthier Guitar Building
  • Flight Science
  • Culinary Arts
  • Woods and Engineering
  • Video Production

The Americana Project

Interdisciplinary Environmental Expedition (IEE)

Project UNIFY

Project UNIFY is a national level program that is sponsored by the US Department of Education. It creates programs and teams that include regular education and special education students together on a team to prepare, practice, and compete with other schools in our area. The groups can be athletic in nature or programs such as student stores and business.


Heart of Oregon

Our mission is simple. Heart of Oregon Corps empowers youth and young adults through employment, job training, education, and service to Central Oregon communities.

Our vision is clear. Heart of Oregon Corps is a leader in empowering youth and young adults to transform their lives and their communities. Through this work, we will create a future with equitable opportunities in Central Oregon.


Oregon Adaptive Sports

Oregon Adaptive Sports envisions a day when everyone has access to the benefits of outdoor recreation, regardless of ability. We see Central Oregon as a year-round destination for adaptive sports with OAS as the leader in providing state-of-the-art equipment, professional instruction, staff and dedicated volunteers, resulting in top quality experiences for our participants.
