Communicable Disease Plans
Symptoms requiring exclusion of a child from school or childcare setting until either diagnosed and cleared by a licensed health care provider, or recovery from illness.

School Plans

Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place. Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school.

View the Plans

Sisters High School Communicable Disease Management Plan For the School Year 2023-2024
SHS Communicable Disease Management Plan For the School Year 2023-2024
Sisters Middle School Communicable Disease Management Plan For the School Year 2023-2024
SMS Communicable Disease Management Plan For the School Year 2023-2024
Sisters Elementary Communicable Disease Management Plan For School Year 2023-2024
SES Communicable Disease Management Plan For the School Year 2023-2024

Download the Plans



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