To Teach, Compete with Honor and Dignity, Serve Community, and Pursue Excellence

Middle School Activity Registration 2024-2025

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High School Sports Registration 2024-2025

Register for a Sport:

Friendly reminder, per our 2022-2024 Sisters High School Code of Conduct “Physician’s Clearance – A physician’s clearance at grades 9 and 11 for sport activities must be on file with the Athletic Director or Principal” (Sisters High School Athlete Code of Conduct & Activities Guidelines, Student Eligibility, Section A. Parent/Student Responsibilities for Participation, Line a. Physician’s Clearance, page 1).

While sports physical are valid in the SSD for 2 years, each incoming freshman is required to have a physical their incoming 9th grade year. Incoming freshman (2024-2025) will need a physical completed the summer of their incoming year (summer 2024). A physical from 2022 or before will not be valid. Please contact Katie Arends with any questions or concerns.

Use the Payment Portal for your Athletic Fee:

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Detalles de la solicitud de asistencia (cuantos más detalles, mejor)
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