District / Departments / District Office & Operations / Operations & Facilities / Facilities Plan
The Sisters School District has developed a Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) to provide Deschutes County, the City of Sisters, and patrons with District’s anticipated capital facility needs as well as the District’s schedule and financing plan for those improvements over the next ten years.

The CFP contains the following elements:
Educational Programs
The District’s service standards are based on programs, class size by grade span, number of classrooms, types of facilities, and other factors identified by the District, including teacher contracts, personnel plan, the Continuous Improvement Plan goals, and funding requirements.
Building and Land Inventory
An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by the District showing the locations and capacities of the facilities, based on the District’s program standards.
Ten Year Enrollment 2003-2013
Provides student enrollment numbers in the District for the past five years, this year, and projections for next four years.
Capital Facility Needs
This is a forecast of the future needs for capital facilities and school sites based on the District’s enrollment projections. The proposed capacities of expanded or new capital facilities over the next five years are based on the inventory of existing facilities and the standard of service. This includes large ticket items including new schools and additions and renovations to current structures to increase classroom space and capacity, specific deferred maintenance projects, and special equipment purchases, such as computers.
Financial Strategy
A long term plan identifies two areas for financing capital facilities: 1) Financing large construction projects, such as additions to schools and building of new schools, and 2) Financing smaller capital improvements and maintenance projects as well as equipment purchases and smaller construction projects.
In developing this CFP, the District used the following guidelines:
- The District usd data generated from reasonable methodologies.
- The ten-year facility needs are based on an enrollment forecast that takes local development trends into account.
- The District expects there will be time periods when some students will be housed in portables. Housing students in portables is considered a temporary solution but a necessary one until the public supports a bond election to build new schools and to add permanent structures to existing buildings.
- In addition, this CFP addresses long-range facility needs. As additional land is developed, the District’s enrollment increases, which, in turn, prompts the need for additional school facilities to house growing student populations.
- In an effort to identity the potential impacts of the growth within the city of Sisters and outlying areas, Chapter 3 of this CFP identifies the number of students the District anticipates it may need to serve in the next ten years.
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