Recursos Humanos
Our team members are our most valuable resource in helping all students reach their full potential.

Equipo de Recursos Humanos

Our team members are our most valuable resource in helping all students reach their full potential. We are committed to aligning our operations to work smarter to make the best use of available resources. We provide quality human resources services to attract, develop, motivate and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment. We emphasize customer service based on communication and consultation with the SSD staff and community.

From left to right, Joe Hosang, Director of Human Resources & Curriculum, Tracy Suckow, Human Resources Advisor

Sala del personalThe Staff Lounge

If you are a current Sisters School District Team Member, use the link to the right in the menu to be redirected to 🔗 our Staff Lounge, where you will find additional resources and forms.


Contactar con Recursos Humanos

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