Our Partners
Through educational support, workshops, grant dollars, and so much more, we are able to provide to Sisters students an education that is unmatched, in our opinion, in the northwest.

In this day and age, schools get a lot done through creative and unique partnerships and collaborative efforts within their own communities. Sisters is no different. Through educational support, workshops, grant dollars, and so much more, we are able to provide to Sisters students an education that is unmatched, in our opinion, in the northwest.

Scroll through the accordion menu below for information and links to our community partners.

Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is an organization that brings adult mentors in the schools to work with children in need. They have found that intervention and support must begin early, continue as the child matures, and consistently address the needs of the whole person. Their model and the mission of the Circle of Friends programs is to provide our most vulnerable children a nurturing and sustained relationship with a professional mentor who teaches positive values and has attainable expectations for each child to become healthy, productive members of the community.


Start Making A Reader Today (SMART)

One child at a time. One volunteer at a time. One book at a time. 

Since 1992, Start Making A Reader Today (SMART) has been pairing caring, adult volunteers with children in need of reading support and books to take home and keep. SMART volunteers read one-on-one with students weekly during the school year, modeling a love of reading and building children’s reading skills and self-confidence in a positive, child-driven environment


Deschutes County Sheriff's Office School Resource Deputy

In cooperation with the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Department, the sheriff’s department provides our school district with a School Resource Deputy.

The School Resource Deputy is a community-based sheriff deputy who is responsible for helping schools insure student safety. SRDs work in close contact with school administrators to help prevent crime before it occurs and to develop positive relationships with students and staff members. SRDs aim to develop trusting relationships with students so that they feel comfortable talking about safety issues.

SRDs are part of the school community and attend a variety of school functions including athletic events and performances. SRDs are available to students to address issues of criminality, including property crimes, harassment, abuse, violence, etc.

The idea here is that SRDs will contribute to the well being of our community through prevention and early intervention. 

Family Access Network

Family Access Network (FAN) is a network of community partners who collaborate to ensure children attend school ready to learn. FAN is unique in Oregon in that it provides Family Advocates in all Deschutes County Public Schools. Sisters FAN Advocates, Dawn Cooper and Theresa Slavkovsky, are service brokers who link children and families to critical social supports with the goal of keeping children in school. Working through one dedicated advocate, a student or parent is referred for dental work, job opportunities, clothing, rent assistance, childcare support, health insurance, or whatever the need. Central to this approach is empowering families to take action to help themselves. FAN currently has 21 FAN Advocates in 42 public schools and 2 early childhood sites.

High Desert Education Service District (HDESD)

The High Desert Education Service District (HDESD) is a regional support system that links school districts in Central Oregon to state and national education resources. Our programs help districts minimize duplication of services, preserve their local budgets, and receive special programs that might otherwise be unavailable to them.

Kiwanis International

Ordinary people performing Extraordinary Work

Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders. Every day, Kiwanians are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities.

Outlaw Booster Club

The Outlaw Booster Club, Inc. is an all volunteer, charitable, non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to develop, promote, and enrich Outlaw pride (Fun-Raising). It endeavors to provide support (financial and otherwise) for the co-curricular activities and programs in which the Sisters, Oregon School District students (K-12) participate. Its goals include the promotion of positive student, parent, and community support of Sisters School District co-curricular activities and programs with a focus and emphasis on increasing and promoting attendance at the various events.


The OBC works closely with the Sisters High School Athletic Department and runs concessions for most high school events. It is directed by a dedicated group of parents, who comprise its Board.

It’s A Great Day to be an Outlaw!


Rotary Foundation

The mission of the Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

Seed to Table

Our mission at the Seed to Table Program is to increase health and wellness of students and families, specifically decreasing obesity, in the Sisters community through providing equal access to nutritious foods and offering opportunities in garden based wellness education.


Sisters School-Based Health Center

The Sisters School-Based Health Center (SBHC) is run through a collaborative partnership with Mosaic Community Health, the Sisters School District, and Deschutes County Health Services.

Sisters School-Based Health Center Operating Hours

Day Operating Hours
8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
9:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m
8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m

Clinic Operating Hours

Clinic Name Operating Hours
Medical Clinic
Monday, Thursday & Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Sisters School-Based Dental Clinic
Appointments – First monday of every month.
Deschutes County Behavioral Health
Services are available by appointment.
First and third Friday of each month.
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
(Closed 12 pm to 1 pm)

Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce

Founded in 1974, the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce is a mutual benefit non-profit corporation organized to unify and coordinate the efforts of businesses and residents in promoting the civic, industrial, commercial, agricultural, environmental, and general welfare of the city of Sisters, Oregon and its economic area. The Mission of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce is to enhance the economic vitality of the Sisters Country through tourism marketing and promotion, business advocacy and community support.

Sisters Folk Festival

Since 2000, the Sisters Folk Festival has partnered with the Sisters School District and Creative Educational Resources, LLC to create the Americana Project, an award-winning innovative music and arts education program. Classes each day at Sisters High School and Middle School, and deep community involvement with guest artists and community members, have helped shape extensive opportunities for young people in Sisters. Over 1,500 students have taken the class, and many have participated in the Americana Song Academy, the Song Academy for Youth, My Own Two Hands community celebration, and SFF Winter Concert Series and workshops. Scholarships have been awarded for countless students to participate in offerings supported by Sisters Folk Festival.


In addition, SFF has championed the Americana Community Luthier program, building guitars and ukuleles in the wood shop at Sisters High School. Each year for the past six years, students have built 30 guitars and up to 12 ukuleles with many volunteers helping each day. The partnerships SFF has with SPRD, Breedlove Guitars, Sisters Science Club, Family Access Network, and other organizations help to create a unique environment for students to thrive and engage deeply in their community.

Sisters Graduate Resource Organization (Sisters GRO)

Sisters Graduate Resource Organization (Sisters GRO) supports community efforts aimed at helping Sisters High Students obtain their post-secondary dreams by fostering the development of community and private sector resources. In 2006, a handful of community members recognized the need for an organization with the sole purpose of supporting Sisters High School graduates with post-secondary education and vocational training. Sisters GRO helps our graduated youth embark with more than a high school diploma in hand – they will also leave with a scholarship representing their community’s belief in them.

The mission of Sisters GRO is to raise, receive, and distribute charitable scholarship funds, support the scholarship selection process, and support graduate resource programs to help Sisters High School graduates obtain higher education or training.


Sisters Park and Recreation District (SPRD)

The Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD), formerly Sisters Organization for Activities & Recreation (SOAR), was founded in 1995 as a non-profit organization to provide recreation, sports and enrichment programs for Sisters area youth and families.


Many groups in the community came together to create SOAR including the Sisters School District, Sisters Kiwanis Club, Sisters Rotary Club, Sisters Rodeo Association, AARP, and the Parent Teacher Association.

SPRD also has two classrooms in the Sisters Elementary School where they teacher Pre-Kindergarten.

Sisters Science Club

Our mission:  
“To create and maintain a community culture where the study of science is visible, valuable and celebrated, supported by practical and innovative contributions to our schools and to the public.”

We are a community based organization that strives to enhance science, math, and health in the schools and community through seven main areas. Founded January 2011, the club is comprised of approximately 350 members – but there is no clubhouse, administration, or required annual dues. Rather, the club works by the community bringing volunteers and financial support to enhance the good ideas of the school’s science teachers.

Our Board of Directors:
David Duehren, President 
Don Utzinger, Vice President & Treasurer
Gayle Todd, Secretary

Welcome New Board Members:
David Ellis                                       David Johnson
Joe Sherry                                       Chris Harker
Jocelyn Blevins                               Larry Price

The Sisters Science Club is the only non-profit organization in Sisters focused on science education for all ages. For more information email us on scienceinsisters@gmail.com.

Sisters Schools Foundation

In 1996, the Sisters Schools Foundation was created to respond to major budget cuts and tax-limiting measures that threatened programs and activities at public schools across the state. The Sisters Schools Foundation is proud to have been established as a vehicle to help our community control its destiny. We can pursue educational excellence, not through mandate or taxation, but through the willing support of community resources, efforts, expertise and a belief that a child’s education is one of the most valuable and honorable quests of a civilized community.


Sisters Starry Nights

Concerned parents, school administrators, and community leaders came together to develop the Foundation’s first fundraising event: the Sisters Starry Nights Benefit Concert Series.  Organized and staffed entirely by volunteers, the event debuted in 1997 and is the major source of funding for the Sisters Schools Foundation.

Sisters Ranger Station - Deschutes National Forest

A strong partner for both Sisters School District’s Educators and Students, particularly programs in coordination with Sisters Elementary School.