Apply for a Grant
Grants will be awarded to programs belonging to or under the administration of the Sisters School District.

Grant Criteria

Guiding Principles

  • Funds shall be distributed that will directly supplement or create educational or co-curricular opportunities for students (K-12) in the Sisters School District.
  • Funds shall not be used to pay salaries.
  • Funds distributed shall be those collected in the prior fiscal year.

Consider the following in distribution evaluation (not necessarily in any prioritized order)

  • Group’s commitment to the project. (How much has the group raised independently?)
  • Need / Use for requested funds.
  • Group’s ability to raise funds.
  • Percentage of total budget.
  • Other funding sources available to the group.
  • Number of students being affected by the funds.
  • What precedent is being set?
  • Is there a direct benefit to the students?
  • Are other options available for the funds?
  • Relationship to current and approved curricular or co-curricular programs.

Who Should Apply

Grants will be awarded to programs belonging to or under the administration of the Sisters School District.

Principals, teachers, and staff may submit a grant application to their building administrator for review. Forms will be forwarded to the Foundation Board of Directors for review and possible funding.

Grants are awarded three times during the school year. The majority of available funds are distributed in the fall with smaller amounts in Enero / Febrero and again in Marzo / Abril.

Deadlines for Request For Funds submissions will be announced through the school administration.

Additional Information

Contact the SSF

"*" indica campos obligatorios

Motivo de la solicitud de asistencia
Detalles de la solicitud de asistencia (cuantos más detalles, mejor)
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