District / Why Sisters? / Our Partners / Sisters Schools Foundation

The History of The Sisters Schools Foundation
The basis of the American spirit is captured in the belief that we can control our own destiny as individuals and as a community. By influencing events at the most local level we have that spirit in the palm of our hands. When additional classrooms were needed at the Sisters Elementary School, individuals stood up, took charge and built them with no tax dollars and no Federal or State mandates. People who believed in the cause controlled its destiny.
As funding diminished from public tax funds for extra curricular and academic programs, patrons of the Sisters School District proclaimed, “We can have an impact. We can affect the educational lives of our children!”
They did something about it. In 1997, the Starry Nights Concert Series was born and has since raised nearly $1,000,000.00 benefiting the classroom. “Sisters residents act, they make things happen, they build, they move forward, and they value education as they value their children’s future.”
Hundreds of people were involved in these efforts. People who saw that their effort could and did make a difference. These are people who are controlling their own destiny, who hold their own future in the palm of their hands. Sisters is not an “arm chair” community.
The Sisters Schools Foundation is proud to have been established as a vehicle to help our community control its destiny. We can pursue educational excellence, not through mandate or taxation, but through the willing support of community resources, efforts, expertise, and a belief that a child’s education is one of the most valuable and honorable quests of a civilized community.
It is the goal of the Sisters Schools Foundation to have an impact today as well as tomorrow. That’s why 25% of all general funds raised have been, and will continue to be, placed in an endowment fund. We view this effort to have lasting impact and be self-sustaining sometime in the future.
A commitment has been made and a course set. As part of the Sisters community, we welcome and cherish the opportunity to participate in, to mold, to enhance, and to enrich education in the Sisters area. We’re proud to be the vehicle for Sisters to use to control their fate, their destiny. There is no better way to get things done than to put the responsibility for their completion in the hands of the people who benefit from the results. This community can be proud of its accomplishments and its commitment to education. The Foundation is proud to have been invited to participate.
Sisters Schools Foundation (SSF) Board of Directors
SSF Board President
Vice President
SSF School Board Representative
School Board Director
[email protected]
SSF School Board Representative
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