Warburton end of year slideshow

End of year slideshow in Warburton's room. All are welcome (volunteer approved or not, per JW). Guests must sign in.CT

Warburton end of year slideshow

End of year slideshow in Warburton's room. All are welcome (volunteer approved or not, per JW). Guests must sign in.CT

Community Pantry in Bus Lane

Half Circle by Bus lane entrance

Food Pantry!!   This will be a shopping style distribution, so families will park nearby and walk over to shop from the truck.

Organizational Board Meeting

Sisters School District 006 498 E Cascade Ave, Sisters, OR, United States

This is an in-person meeting located at the Sisters School District Office. If you cannot attend in person, please feel free to use the link below. Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89074430189?pwd=aDR1WitaVzdzMnUzeHpkNDJXcXNrdz09Meeting ID: 8907443 0189Passcode: […]