Transportation Staff
The role of the Sisters School District Transportation Staff is to provide safe and timely student transportation to and from assigned schools and activities according to district policies.

The role of the Sisters School District Transportation Staff is to provide safe and timely student transportation to and from assigned schools and activities according to district policies.

Starnes, Mary
Mary Starnes, Operations Specialist
Steele, Tony
Tony Steele, Transportation Operations Manager
Stock, Ryan
Ryan Stock, Director of Operations


Ast, Teri
Teri Ast Transportation
Bourdeau, Julianne
Draxler, Tim
Tim Draxler, Substitute Bus Driver
Duggan, Walter “Bud”
Walter "Bud" Duggan, Bus Driver
Gibson, Kerry
Kerry Gibson, Bus Driver
Jolly, Larry
Morzov, Mark
Mark Morzov, Substitute Bus Driver
Reinhardt, Clay
Schwake, Brad
Brad Schwake, Bus Driver


Transportation Department Address

15100 McKenzie Hwy,
OR 97759

Contact Transportation

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Detalles de la solicitud de asistencia (cuantos más detalles, mejor)
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