District / Athletics & Activities / Outlaw Booster Club
The Outlaw Booster Club, Inc. is an all volunteer, charitable, non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to develop, promote, and enrich Outlaw pride (Fun-Raising). It endeavors to provide support (financial and otherwise) for the co-curricular activities and programs in which the Sisters, Oregon School District students (K-12) participate. Its goals include the promotion of positive student, parent, and community support of Sisters School District co-curricular activities and programs with a focus and emphasis on increasing and promoting attendance at the various events.
The OBC works closely with the Sisters High School Athletic Department and runs concessions for most high school events. It is directed by a dedicated group of parents, who comprise its Board.
It’s A Great Day to be an Outlaw!
Address: PO Box 2059
Sisters, OR 97759
How we are helping
The Sisters Outlaws Booster Club is a non-profit organization comprised of dedicated parents, guardians, alumni, coaches, teachers, school administrators, and community members. The Outlaw Booster Club supports ALL co-curricular activities within the Sisters School District (K-12). The Club’s goals include the promotion of positive student, parent and community support of Sisters School District co-curricular activities and programs (athletic and non athletic). Established in 2013, the OBC already has contributed over $120,000 in funds and other contributions to the Sisters School District.