Public Records Request
The Sisters School Board of Education is the governing body of Sisters School District #6. It is the Board’s job to set policy, hire the superintendent, and provide leadership.

Request Public Records

A fee of $40.00 per hour, broken into 15 minute increments, will apply to all public records requests to cover staff time for locating, researching, scanning and sending the document(s).

In addition, the fee may include the actual cost to the School District for contracted services to gather the records and for legal review of the records as necessary. Electronic data via thumb drive or similar device will be produced at a cost of $10.00 per recording.

Requester must provide own data saving device. Letter and legal sized copies will be produced at a cost of $.25 per copy. Color copies will be produced at a cost of $.50 per copy. Maps, oversized or non-standard copies will be charged at the actual cost for reproduction. Estimated charges in excess of $10 must be prepaid prior to research beginning. If costs exceed the estimate, staff will contact the applicant for authorization to continue research.

The additional cost must be paid prior to release of the documents. The School District will refund any unused portion of any prepayment. Staff may waive inspection or research fees for not more than three requests that require 1/4 hour or less of staff time from the same requester in a calendar year.

All requested materials may be picked up in person at the Sisters School District Office or may be mailed to the requester, at their expense, via USPS mail.

Suggestions, Commendations and Complaints

The district is interested in suggestions, complaints and commendations involving employees, programs or facilities. When such is registered, we are interesting in investigating the incident to see if there has been a misunderstanding or if some corrective action should be taken to improve the district. Commendations are of value to the district because they improve morale and encourage district employees to take pride in their work and to do more than is ordinary expected of them.

2023-2024 Compliance Report - Division 22 Oregon Public School Standards

By November 1 of each year, school district superintendents are required by OAR 581-022-2305:

District Assurances of Compliance with Public School Standards to report to their community on the district’s status with respect to all of the Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. The Standards are adopted by the State Board of Education and set out in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 581, Division 22.


Contact the School Board

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