District / School Board / Policies
It is the intent of the Board of Education to develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guidelines and goals for the successful and efficient functioning of Sisters School District. It is also the intent of this Board of Education that its policies serve as sources of information and guidance for all people who are interested in, or connected with, the public schools.
The policies listed on the policy pages have been adopted. All policies listed here are available in downloadable PDF documents.
Please Note: There is a delay between the time the board makes policy changes and the time those changes are available on this site. The policies on this site are for information only and do not reflect any updating activities in progress.
The manual is organized according to the classification system developed by the Educational Policies Service (EPS) of the National School Boards Association. The system is copyrighted by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and its use as the coding system in local districts without permission of NSBA is limited to Direct Affiliates, subscribers to the Educational Policies Service and Oregon school districts under contract for policy development with the Oregon School Boards Association. (Copyright)
Policy manuals are organized according to the following sections: Click on the + symbol to expand the section
A/B - Board Governance
AB - The People and Their District
AC - Nondiscrimination
AC-AR - Discrimination Complaint Procedure
ACB - Every Student Belongs
ACB AR - Bias Incident Complaint Procedure
AD - Educational Philosophy
BB - Board Legal Status
BBB - Board Elections
BBBB - Board Member Oath of Office
BBF - Board Member Standards of Conduct
BBFA - Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
BBFB - Board Member Ethics and Nepotism
BC-BCA - Board Organization-Board Organization Meeting
BCB - Board Officers
BCH - Consultants to the Board
BDD - Board Meeting Procedures
BDDH - Public Participation in Board Meetings
BDDH-AR - Public Participation in Board Meetings
BF - Policy Devolpment
BFC - Adoption and Revision of Policies
BFCA - Administrative Regulations
BFD - Board Policy Implementation
BFE - Administration Policy Absence
BFG - Board Policy Review
BG - Board-Staff Communication
BI - Board Legislative Program
C - Administration
CA - Administration Goals
CB - Superintendent
CBA - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent
CBG - Evaluation of the Superintedent
CCB - Line and Staff Relations
CCG - Licensed Evaluation–Administrators-Instructional Leaders
CHA - Development of Administrative Regulations
D - Fiscal Management
DA - Fiscal Management Goals
DB - District Budget
DBA - Budgeting System
DBB - Fiscal Year
DBC -Budget Calendar
DBD - Budget Priorties
DBE - Budget Preparation
DBEA - Budget Committee
DBG - Budget Hearing
DBH - Budget Adoption Procedures - Budget Adoption Procedures
DBJ - Budget Implementation
DBK - Budget Transfer Authority
DBK-AR - Budget Transfer Authority
DC- Borrowing Funds
DD - Funding Proposals and Applications
DE-DEB-DEC - Revenues from State and Federal Funds
DFA - Investment of Funds
DFC - Grants From External Sources
DFC-AR - Grant Review Process
DFEA -Admissions to District Events
DFG - Income from Program-Related Sales and Services
DG - Depository of Funds
DGA - Authorized Signatures
DH - Loss Coverage
DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
DIC - Financial Reports and Statements
DID - Fixed Asset Inventories
DIE - Audits
DJ - District Purchasing
DJB - Petty Cash Amounts
DJC - Bidding Requirements
DJC-AR - Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding
DJCA - Personal Services Contract
DJCA-AR - Personal Services Contracts
DJFA - Procurement and Credit Cards
DK - Payment Procedures
DLA - Payday Schedule
DLB - Payroll Deductions
DLC - Expense Reimbursements
DLC-AR - Staff Expense Reimbursement
DM - Cash in District Buildings
DN - Disposal of District Policy
E - Support Services
EA - Support Services Goal
EB - Safety Program
EBAC - Safety Committee
EBAC-AR - Safety Committee
EBB - Intergrated Pest Management
EBBA - First Aid
EBBB - Injury-Illness Reports
EBC-EBCA - Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans
EBCB - Emergency Drills
EBCD - Emergency School Closures
EBCD-AR - Instructional Make Up Days for Emergency Closures
ECAAA - Employee Badge Identification System
ECAAA-AR - Employee Identification Badge System
ECC - Custodial Services
EDC-KGF - Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials
EEA - Student Transportation Services
EEAB - School Bus Scheduling and Routing
EEAB-AR - School Bus Scheduling and Routing
EEAC - School Bus Safety Program
EEACC - Student Conduct on School Buses
EEACC-AR - Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation
EEACD - Use of District Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation
EEACE - Loading and Unloading
EEAE - Student Transportation in Private Vehicle
EEAG - Student Transportation Records and Reports
EEBB - Use of Private Vehicles for District Business
EEBC - Student Transportation Insurance
EF - Management of Nutrition Services
EFA - Local Wellness Program
EFAA - District Nutrition and Food Services
EFAA-AR - Reimbursable Meals
EFD - Food Preperation
EGAAA - Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials
EGAAA-AR - Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials
EHA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
EIA - Insurance Program
EIB - Liability Insurance
F - Facilities
FA - Facilities Development Goals
FB - Facilities Planning
FC - Capital Construction Program
FEF-FEFB - Construction Contracts - Bidding and Awards
FF - Naming new Facilities
FF-AR - Naming New and Existing Buildings and Facilities
FFA - Memorials
G - Personnel
GAA - Personnel Definitions
GAB - Job Descriptions
GB - General Personnel Policies
GBA Equal Employment Opportunity
GBC - Staff Ethics
GBCA - Staff Conflicts of Interest
GBCB - Staff Conduct and Dress
GBD - Board-Staff Communications
GBDA - Parent Friendly Workplace
GBE - Staff Health and Safety
GBE-AR - Staff Health and Safety-Safety Rules
GBEA- Workplace Harassment
GBEA-AR - Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure
GBEB - Communicable Disease
GBEBA - Staff - HIV,AIDS, and HBV
GBEC - Drug Free Workplace
GBED - Medical Examinations-Drug Testing
GBED-AR - Pre-Employment Drug Testing
GBEDA - Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel
GBEDA-AR - Drug and Alcohol Testing and Record Query-Transportation Personnel
GBH-JECAC - Staff Student Parent Relations
GBK-JFCG-KGC - Tobacco Free Environment
GBL - Personnel Records
GBLA - Disclosure of Information - Readopted 5-4-22
GBM - Staff Complaints
GBMA - Whistleblower
GBN-JBA - Sexual Harassment
GBN-JBA-AR - Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
GBNA - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, or Cyberbullying-Staff
GBNA-AR - Hazing,Harassment,Intimidation,Bullying,Menacing Complaint Procedures-Staff
GBNAA-JHFF - Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students
GCA - License Requirement
GCAB - Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media - Staff
GCBDA-GDBDA Family Medical Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(1) - Federal Family and Medical Leave-State Family Medical Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(2) - Request for Family and Medical Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(3) A - Certification of Health Care Provider, Employees Serious Health Condition
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(3) B - Certification of Health Care Provider, Family Member_s Serious Health Condition
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(3) C - Military Family Leave-Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(3) D - Military Family Leave-Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member for Military Family Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(4) - FMLA-OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(5) - Sample Designation Letter to Employee - FMLA-OFLA Leave
GCBDA-GDBDA-AR(6) - Designation Notice
GCBDB-GDBDB - Early Return to Work
GCC - Recruitment of Licensed Staff
GCDA-GDDA - Criminal Records Checks Fingerprinting
GCDA-GDDA-AR - Criminal Records Checks-Fingerprinting
GCL - Staff Development - Licensed
GCL-AR - Staff Development-Licensed
GCN-GDN - Evaluation of Staff
GCPA - Layoff - Licensed Staff
GCPB-GDPB - Resignation of Staff
GCQA-GDQA - Nonschool Employment
GCQBA - Copyright and Patents
GD - Classified Staff
GDC - Recruitment of Classifed Staff
GDIA - Notice of Employment
GDN - Evaluation of Classified Staff
H - Negotiations*
I - Instructions
IA - Instructional Goals
IB - Freedom of Expression
IBDJA - Relations with Home School Students
IC-ICA - School Year-School Calendar
IC-ICA-AR - Calendar Formation Process and Parameters
ID - School Day
IE - Organization of Instruction
IF - Curriculum Development
IFCA - Site-Based Decision Making
IFCA-AR - 21st Century Schools Councils
IG - Instructional Design
IGAEB - Drug-Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention - Health Ed
IGAI - Human Sexuality-AIDS HIV-Sexually Transmitted Diseases-Health Ed
IGB - Special Instructional Programs
IGB-AR - Special Instructional Programs
IGBA - Students with Disabilities
IGBA-AR - Child Identification Procedures
IGBAB-JO - Education Records of Students with Disabilities
IGBAB-JO-AR - Education Records-Records of Students with Disabilities Management
IGBAC - Special Education-Personnel
IGBAE - Special Ed - Participation in Regular Ed Programs
IGBAE-AR - Special Education-Participation in Regular Education Programs
IGBAF - Special Ed - Individualized Education Program (IEP)
IGBAF-AR - Special Education-Individualized Education Program
IGBAG - Special Education - Procedural Safeguards
IGBAG-AR - Special Education-Procedural Safeguards
IGBAH - Special Ed - Evaluation Process
IGBAI - Special Ed - Private Schools
IGBAI-AR - Special Education-Private Schools
IGBAJ - Special Ed - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
IGBAJ-AR - Special Education-Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
IGBAK - Special Ed Public Availability of State Application
IGBAL - Special Ed Services for Home Schooled Students with Disabilities
IGBB - Talented and Gifted
IGBBA - Identification - Talented and Gifted
IGBBC Programs and Services - Talented and Gifted
IGBBD - Parent Notification and Participation
IGBC - Title I Parental Involvment
IGBGA - Home Tutoring Services
IGBHA - Alternative Education Programs
IGBHA-AR - Evaluation of Alternative Education Programs
IGBHB - Establishment of Alternative Ed Programs
IGBHB-AR - Establishment of Alternative Education Programs
IGBHC - Alternative Ed Notification -
IGBHC-AR - Alternative Education Notification
IGBHD - Program Exemptions
IGBHE - Expanded Options Program
IGBI - Bilingual Education
IGCG - Service Learning
IGD - Co-curricular Extracurricular Activities
IGDA - Student Organizations
IGDF - Student Fundraising Activities
IGDG - Student Activity Funds Managment
IGDJ - Interscholastic Activities
IIA - Instructional Resources - Instructional Materials
IIA-AR - Instructional Materials Selection
IIABB - Use of Feature Films-Videos
IIABB-AR - Use of Feature Films-Videos
IIAD - Special Interest Materials
IIBGA - Electronic Communication System
IIBGA-AR - Electronic Communications System
IICA - Field Trips and Special Events
IICA-AR - Field Trips and Special Events
IICB - Community Resource Persons
IICC - Volunteers
IJ - School Counseling Program
IK - Academic Achievement
IKA - Grading System
IKE - Promotion and Retention of Students
IKF - Graduation Requirements
IKFA - Early Graduation
IKFB - Graduation Exercises
IKH - Credit for Proficiency
IL - Assessment Program
IM - Evaluation of Instructional Programs
IMB - Student Achievement Program
IMB-AR - Student Achievement Program
INB - Studying Controversial Issues
INB-AR - Studying Controversial Issues
ING - Animals in District Facilities
ING-AR - Animals in District Facilities
J - Students
JA-JAA - Student Policies Goals and Objectives
JB - Equal Educational Opportunity
JBA-GBN - Sexual Harassment
JBA-GBN-AR - Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
JBAA - Section 504 - Students
JBAA-AR - Section 504-Students
JBB - Education Equity
JEA - Compulsory Attendance
JEA-AR - Compulsory Attendance Notices and Citations
JEBA - Early Entrance
JEC - Admissions
JECA - Admission of Resident Students
JECAC-GBH - Staff, Student, Parent Relations
JECB - Admission of Nonresident Student
JECB-AR (1) - Admission of Nonresident Students
JECB-AR (3) - Mutual Agreement-Admission of Nonresident Students
JECBA - Admission of Exchange Students
JECBA-AR - Admission of Foreign Exchange Students
JECBD - Homeless Students
JECBD-AR - Homeless Students
JED - Student Absences and Excuses
JEDA - Truancy
JEFB - Release Time for Religous Instruction
JF-JFA - Student Rights and Responsibilities
JFB - Student Involvement in Decision Making
JFC - Student Conduct
JFCA - Student Dress and Grooming
JFCF - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Menacing, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Teen Dating Violence, Domestic Violence-Student
JFCF-AR - Hazing,Harassment,Intimidation,Menacing,Bullying,Cyberbullying,Teen Dating Violence,Domestic Violent-Student
JFCF-GBNA - Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing
JFCF-GBNA-AR - Hazing,Harassment,Intimidation,Bullying,Menacing Complaint Procedures
JFCG-KGC-GBK - Tobacco Free Environment
JFCI - Substance-Drug Abuse
JFCJ - Weapons in the Schools
JFCM - Threats of Violence
JFE - Pregnant and Parenting Students
JFE-AR - Individualized Plan for Pregnant and-or Parenting Teens
JFG - Student Searches
JFG-AR - Student Searches
JG - Student Discipline
JGA - Corporal Punishment
JGAB- Use of Restraints and Seclusion
JGAB-AR - Use of Restraint and Seclusion
JGD - Suspension
JGDA-AR - Discipline of Disabled Students
JGDA-JGEA - Discipline of Disabled Students
JGDA-JGEA-AR - Discipline of Disabled Students
JGE - Expulsion
JGEA - Alternative Education Programs Following Expulsion
JHC - Student Health Services and Requirements
JHCB - Immunizations of Students
JHCC - Communicable Diseases
JHCCA - Students – HIV, HBV and AIDS
JHCD-JHCDA - Medications
JHCD-JHCDA-AR - Medications
JHF- Student Safety
JHFC - Student Bicycle Use
JHFD - Student Vehicle Use
JHFE - Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFE-AR - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
JHFF-GBNAA - Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students
JHH - Student Suicide Prevention
JHHA - Crisis Prevention and Response
JIA - Student Excellence Program
JO-IGBAB - Education Records-Records of Students with Disabilities
JO-IGBAB-AR - Education Records-Records of Students with Disabilities Management
JOA - Directory Information
JOB - Personally Identifiable Information
JOC - Legal Names of Students
K/L - Community Relations
KA-KAA - District-Community Relations Goals and Objectives
KAB - Parental Rights
KAB-AR - Parental Rights
KBA - Public Records
KBA-AR - Public Records
KC - Community Involvement in Decison Making
KG - Community use of District Facilities
KG-AR - Community Use of District Facilities
KGBB - Firearms Prohibited
KGC-GBK-JFCG - Tobacco Free Environment
KGE - Public Responsibility for Facility Usage
KGF-EDC - Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials
KH - Public Gift to the District
KI - Public Solicitation in District Facilities
KJA - Materials Distribution
KK - Visitors to District Facilities
KL - Public Complaints
KL-AR - Public Complaint Procedure
KN - Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
KN-AR - Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
LBE - Public Charter Schools
LBE-AR - Public Charter Schools
* Since collective bargaining in Oregon is governed by statute there are normally no policies in Section H.
Not all boards have policies in each section. If one of the above sections is not shown in the list to the left or in the navigation menu (at the top of each page) then that board does not have policies in that section.
Coding within each section follows an alphabetical sequence which is read from left to right, like a library card catalogue, with subheadings for major policy areas within each section. Studying the Table of
Contents for each section would help to familiarize users with the coding system and the organization of each section.
All policies have been referenced with the appropriate Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules, federal rules and regulations and case law.
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