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LBE-AR – Public Charter Schools

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LBE-AR - Public Charter Schools

Public Charter Schools I. Definitions A. Applicant means any person or group that develops and submits a written proposal for a public charter school to the district. B. Public charter school means an elementary or secondary school offering a comprehensive instructional program operating under a written agreement entered into between the district and an applicant. C. Remote and necessary school district means a school district that offers kindergarten through grade 12 and has: (a) an average daily membership (ADM), as defined in ORS 327.006, in the prior fiscal year of less than 110; and (b) a school that is located, by the nearest traveled road, more than 20 miles from the nearest school or from a city with a population of more than 5,000. D. Sponsor means the district Board. II. Proposal Process A. The public charter school applicant shall submit the proposal to the district no later than January 31 for a September starting date. B. To be considered complete, the proposal for a public charter school shall include the following: 1. The identification of the applicant; 2. The name of the proposed public charter school; 3. A description of the philosophy and mission of the public charter school; 4. A description of any distinctive learning or teaching techniques to be used; 5. A description of the curriculum of the public charter school; 6. A description of the expected results of the curriculum and the verified methods of measuring and reporting results that will allow comparisons with district schools; 7. The governance structure; 8. The projected enrollment including the ages or grades to be served; 9. The target population of students the public charter school is designed to serve; 10. The legal address, facilities and physical location of the public charter school; 11. A description of admission policies and application procedures; 12. The statutes and rules that shall apply to the public charter school; 13. The proposed budget and financial plan including evidence that the proposed budget and financial plan are financially sound; 14. The standards for behavior and the procedures for the discipline, suspension or expulsion of students; Public Charter Schools - LBE-AR 2-10 15. The proposed school calendar, including the length of the school day and length of the school year; 16. A description of the proposed school staff and required qualifications of teachers (At least one-half of the full-time equivalent teaching and administrative staff of the public charter school shall be licensed.); 17. The date upon which the public charter school would begin operating; 18. The arrangements for any necessary special education and related services for students with disabilities who qualify under IDEA and special education or regular education and related services for students who qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 who may attend the public charter school; 19. Information on the manner in which community groups may be involved in the planning and development process of the public charter school; 20. The term of the charter; 21. The plan for performance bonding or insuring the public charter school, including buildings and liabilities; 22. A proposed plan for the placement of public charter school teachers, other employees and students upon termination or nonrenewal of a charter; 23. The manner in which the public charter school program review and fiscal audit will be conducted; 24. In the case of a district school’s conversion to charter status, the following additional criteria must be addressed: a. The alternate arrangements for students who choose not to attend the public charter school and for teachers and other school employees who choose not to participate in the public charter school; b. The relationship that will exist between the public charter school and its employees including terms and conditions of employment. 25. The district will not complete the review required under ORS 338.055 of an application that does not contain the required components listed in ORS 338.045 (2)(a-x). A good faith determination of incompleteness is not a denial for purposes of requesting state board review under ORS 338.075; 26. In addition to the minimum requirements enumerated in ORS 338.045 (2)(a) - (x), the district, under ORS 338.045 (3), may require the applicant to submit any of the following information as necessary to add detail or clarity to the minimum requirements or that the Board considers relevant to the formation or operation of the public charter school: a. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment b. State and Federal Mandates/Special Education c. Teacher Certification d. Professional Development e. Budget f. Policy g. Other Information The public charter school applicant will organize and label all information required in section 25 to correspond to the requested numbers.