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- Create Date September 2, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
KI - Public Solicitation in District Facilities
Public Solicitation in District Facilities Students and staff are to be protected from intrusions by announcements, posters, bulletins and communications of any kind from individuals and organizations not directly connected with the schools. Except as provided by law or as approved by the superintendent, the solicitation and sale of travel services to students may be permitted with approval of the superintendent on district property, at activities under the jurisdiction of the district and at interscholastic activities administered by a voluntary organization approved by the State Board of Education (i.e., Oregon School Activities Association). This includes sale of services to students by any person or group that sells, provides, furnishes, contracts for, arranges or advertises travel services. The administration of surveys, questionnaires and requests for information by non-school-connected organizations are disallowed. Exceptions may be approved by the superintendent. In the event an exception is granted for the administration or distribution of a survey created by a third party, the district will provide an opportunity for the student’s parent to inspect such survey upon request, before the survey is administered or distributed by a school to a student, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLBA). Any district survey containing any “covered survey items”1 as defined by NCLBA, may also be inspected by parents. Parents may also request that their student be excused from participation in such surveys. Requests may be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Board policy KAB - Parental Rights and accompanying administrative regulation. As required by law, the superintendent shall ensure that notification is provided to parents of students at least annually at the beginning of the school year or when enrolling students for the first time in school, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when such surveys are scheduled or expected to be scheduled. The rights provided to parents under this policy transfer to the student when the student turns 18 years old or is an emancipated minor under applicable state law. The district recognizes its responsibility to protect student privacy. Personal information that may be collected as a result of such surveys will be released only with prior, written parental permission, unless as otherwise provided by NCLBA and/or the provisions of Board policy JOB - Personally Identifiable Information. END OF POLICY