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KGC-GBK-JFCG – Tobacco Free Environment

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  • Create Date September 2, 2023
  • Last Updated October 8, 2023

KGC-GBK-JFCG - Tobacco Free Environment

Tobacco-Free Environment It is the school’s obligation to protect the health, welfare and safety of students. In light of scientific evidence that the use of tobacco is hazardous to health, and to be consistent with district curriculum and Oregon law, student possession, use, distribution or sale of tobacco in any form on district premises, at school-sponsored activities on or off district premises, in district-owned, rented or leased vehicles, or otherwise while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school is prohibited. For the purpose of this policy “tobacco” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidi, clove cigarette, and any other smoking product, spit tobacco, also known as smokeless, dip, chew, snuff, in any form. Tobacco use, distribution or sale by staff and all others is also prohibited on district premises, in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented or chartered by the district, school, or public charter school and at all school sponsored activities. Violation of this policy will lead to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion for students. Community or school service may be required. A referral to law enforcement may be made. Parents will be notified of all violations involving their student and subsequent action taken by the school. Information about cessation support and/or tobacco education programs and how students can access these programs will be provided. At the discretion of the building principal, attendance and completion of such programs, or successful completion of a behavior modification plan, may be allowed as a substitute for, or as part of student discipline. Violation of this policy by nonstudents may result in the individual’s removal from district property. The district reserves the right to restrict access to district property by individuals who are repeat offenders. Tobacco-Free Environment - KGC/GBK/JFCG 2-2 The superintendent will develop administrative regulations as needed to implement this policy.