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- Create Date September 2, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
KGBB - Firearms Prohibited
Firearms Prohibited {Oregon law has allowed members of the public possessing a concealed carry license to carry firearms on district property in accordance with ORS 166.370(3) (g). Senate Bill (SB) 554 (2021) allows districts to prohibit even those with concealed carry licenses from carrying firearms by adopting a policy and posting notice at entry points. OSBA considers this policy to be conditionally required because if the district wants to prohibit concealed carry licensees from carrying firearms on district property, the district must adopt a policy. If the district does not want to limit concealed carry licensees, the district does not need to adopt this policy.} No person on grounds of the schools controlled by the Board (including in school buildings), will possess any firearm1, except when said firearm is possessed by a person who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm, and is unloaded and locked in a motor vehicle. The exception provided in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 166.370(3) (g) for concealed carry licensees (see ORS 166.291 and 166.292) does not apply to the possession of firearms on grounds of the schools controlled by the Board.2 Firearms under the control of on duty law enforcement personnel are permitted. The superintendent may authorize other persons to possess weapons for courses, programs and activities when in compliance with law and board policy. Any person violating or threatening to violate the above rules, as determined by the district, may be issued a trespass citation, ejected from the premises and referred to law enforcement officials3.