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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
CBG - Evaluation of the Superintedent
The superintendent's job performance will be evaluated annually with a mid-year progress conference. The annual evaluation will be based on the administrative job description, any applicable standards of performance, Board policy and progress in attaining any goals for the year established by the superintendent and/or the Board. Additional criteria for the evaluation, if any, will be developed at a public Board meeting. The Board will utilize multiple avenues of communication and consider staff and public input in the evaluation process. The Board's discussion and conferences with and about the superintendent and his/her performance will be in executive session, unless the superintendent requests an open session. However, such an executive session will not include directives about or a general evaluation of any district goal, objective or operation. Results of the evaluation will be written and placed in the superintendent's personnel file. If the superintendent's performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the superintendent will be notified in writing of specific areas to be remedied and will be given an opportunity to correct the problem(s). If performance continues to be unsatisfactory, the Board may either dismiss the superintendent or not renew his/her contract pursuant to Board policy, the employment contract with the superintendent, state law and rules.