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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
CBA - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent
Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent POSITION: Superintendent of Schools QUALIFICATIONS: 1. A current Oregon administrative license with a superintendent’s endorsement or a transitional superintendent license; 2. Successful experience as an educational leader and administrator; 3. In lieu of the experience and training requirements above, the Board may consider as a candidate for its superintendent’s position an individual who meets transitional administrator or exceptional administrator licensure requirements. The Board may, jointly with the individual, submit an application for such license for Teacher Standards and Practices Commission approval pursuant to OAR 584-080-0151 and 584-080-0161; 4. Other qualifications as determined by the Board. REPORTS TO: Board of Directors SUPERVISES: Central office administrators and school principals; and through them, all district personnel. JOB GOAL: Provide effective administration of all schools and departments, and educational leadership throughout the school system and community. Performance Responsibilities The superintendent: 1. Serves as chief executive officer of the Board except as otherwise provided by law, makes rules not in conflict with law or with Board policies and decides all matters of administrative and supervisory detail in connection with the operation and maintenance of the schools; 2. Initiates and directs the development of policies for approval by the Board, delegating such responsibility to associates and subordinates as deemed desirable; 3. Attends all meetings of the Board except those concerned with his/her own contract status and takes part in the deliberations, but does not vote; Q