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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
BDD - Board Meeting Procedures
Quorum A quorum will consist of the majority of the Board members. Vote Needed for Exercise of Powers The affirmative vote of a majority of Board members will be necessary for exercising any of the Board's powers. Board Member Voting Each member's vote on all motions will be recorded in the minutes. All Board members including the chair shall vote. The chair is permitted to make or second motions. Abstaining from Vote If a Board member chooses to abstain from voting, such abstention will be recorded. Since Board members are elected by the community to make decisions, Board members will abstain from voting when required by Oregon Ethics Law, i.e. they have an actual conflict of interest, and may abstain when by Oregon Ethics Law, and they have a potential conflict of interest1. Parliamentary Procedure Official Board business will be transacted by motion or resolution at duly called regular or special meetings. Except as otherwise provided by state law and/or Board policy, the rules of parliamentary procedure comprised in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, "Procedure in Small Boards" as modified by the Board will govern the Board in its deliberation. Modifications will include the following: 1. Motions will all be seconded prior to consideration for discussion by the Board and motions to close or limit debate will be acceptable. 2. The chair will decide all questions relative to points of order, subject to an appeal to the Board.