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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
BCB - Board Officers
At its first scheduled meeting after July 1, the Board will elect one of its members to serve as chair and one to serve as vice chair. No member of the Board may serve as chair more than four years in succession. If a Board member is unable to continue to serve as an officer, a replacement will be elected immediately. The replacement officer will serve the remainder of the officer’s term until the following July. The Board chair will: 1. Assist the superintendent in establishing the agenda for regular Board meetings; 2. Call special meetings when required; 3. Preside at all meetings of the Board and enforce the rules of order; 4. Sign the minutes and other official documents that require the signature of the chair; 5. Represent the district and the Board at official functions, unless this duty is delegated by the Board chair to another Board member; 6. Appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Board; 7. Have the right to discuss issues and vote. In the absence, incapacitation or death of the chair, the vice chair will perform the duties of chair and, when so acting, will have the chair’s powers. The vice chair will perform other functions as designated by the Board. If the chair and vice-chair are absent at a meeting at which a quorum is present, the ranking member present in terms of continuous service on the Board shall preside. The superintendent will designate a staff member to serve as Board secretary and will directly supervise and evaluate the secretary. The secretary to the Board will take notes at Board meetings, compile minutes and perform related work as assigned by the superintendent or requested by the Board chair. These duties will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Record the disposition of all matters on which the Board considered action; 2. Prepare and distribute minutes in advance for approval at the next Board meeting; 3. Maintain properly authenticated official copies of the minutes; Board Officers - BCB 2-2 4. Maintain the official record of Board policies 5. Properly post all Board meetings. Board or District Spokesperson The Board may appoint one of its members, usually the chair, or another person to make authorized statements to the public or the media when the Board deems that, under the circumstances, the district’s position should be articulated by a single voice. The spokesperson serves at the Board’s direction and may be removed or replaced at any time by action of the Board.