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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
BBF - Board Member Standards of Conduct
A Board member should: 1.Comply with the Code of Ethics for public officials provided in state law; 2.Understand that the Board sets the standards for the district through Board policy. Board members do not manage the district on a day-to-day basis; 3.Respect the right of other Board members to have opinions and ideas which differ; 4. Recognize that decisions made by a majority quorum vote are the final decisions of the Board. Such decisions should be supported by all Board members; 5. Make decisions only after the facts are presented and discussed; 6.Understand the chain of command and refer problems or complaints to the proper administrative office; 7.Recognize that the Board must comply with the Public Meetings Law and only has authority to make decisions at properly noticed Board meetings; 8. Insist that all Board and district business is ethical and honest; 9.Be open, fair and honest - no hidden agendas; 10.Understand that you will receive information that is confidential and cannot be shared; 11.Recognize that the superintendent is the Board's employee and designated as the chief executive office of the district; 12.Take action only after hearing the superintendent's recommendations; except as to decisions as to the employment of the superintendent. 13.Refuse to bring personal or family problems into Board considerations; 14. Give the district staff the respect and consideration due to skilled, professional employees; 15.Present personal criticism of district operations to the superintendent, when appropriate, not to district staff;Board Member Standards of Conduct - BBF 2-2 16.Respect the right of the public to attend and observe Board meetings; except those held in executive session under Oregon’s Public Records laws. 17.Respect the right of the public to be informed about district decisions and school operations as allowed by law; 18. Remember that content discussed in executive session is confidential. 19.Use social media, website, or other electronic communications judiciously, respectfully, and in a manner that does not violate Oregon’s Public Meeting Laws; 20.When posting online or to social media, Board members will treat and refer to other Board members, staff, students and the public with respect, and will not post confidential information about students, staff or district business; 21.A Board member is a mandatory reporter of child abuse. A Board member having reasonable cause to believe that any child with whom the Board member comes in contact with has suffered abuse or that any person with whom the Board member comes in contact with has abused a child shall immediately make an oral report by telephone or otherwise to the local Department of Human Services (DHS), to the designee of the department or to a local law enforcement within the county where the person making the report is located at the time of contact.