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- Create Date August 14, 2023
- Last Updated October 8, 2023
AD - Educational Philosophy
The Board believes education should be shaped by purposes rather than by forces. This district’s education system, while maintaining flexibility in adapting to an ever-changing society, is dedicated to the personal development of each student to his/her potential through a sequentiallycoordinated curriculum that allows for individual differences, rigorous academic content standards and opportunity to succeed. As students develop abilities, they are expected to acquire proficiency in the skill subjects, attain efficient and satisfying work habits, grow physically strong, acquire wholesome interests, responsibly direct their lives, develop desirable social attitudes, assume citizenship responsibilities, learn their heritage and their place in a global society and cultivate intellectual interests. To this end, staff members will strive to aid each student’s intellectual, physical, character, emotional and social growth so that he/she may become a responsible community member and lead a personally rewarding life.