IGBAJ-AR – Special Education-Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 1. FAPE and Age Ranges a. The district provides special education and related services to all resident school-age students with disabilities, except as provided below. b. “School-age children” are children who have reached 5 years of age but have not yet reached 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year. c. The district will admit an otherwise eligible student who has not yet reached 21 years of age

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IIBGA-AR – Electronic Communications System

efinitions 1. “Technology protection measure,” as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) means a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are: a. Obscene, as that term is defined in Section 1460 of Title 18, United States Code; b. Child pornography, as that term is defined in Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code; or c. Harmful to minors.

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IIAD – Special Interest Materials

In general, supplementary printed materials from non-school sources should have the approval of the superintendent or designee before being used in the schools. This approval may be given to materials that are of obvious educational quality, supplement and enrich text and reference book materials for definite school courses, and are timely.

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IIA-AR – Instructional Materials Selection

Selection of Instructional Materials a. Responsibility for Selection of Materials (1) The responsibility for the selection of instructional materials is delegated to the superintendent. For the purposes of this regulation the term “instructional materials” includes print and non-print materials, including electronic and Internet or web-based materials or media (not equipment)

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