BC-BCA – Board Organization-Board Organization Meeting

No later than the next regular meeting following July 1, the Board will organize itself for the year. In a Board election year, the organizational meeting must be no later than July 31. The organizational meeting will consist of, but not be limited to, the following actions: 1. Election of a Board chair;

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BCB – Board Officers

At its first scheduled meeting after July 1, the Board will elect one of its members to serve as chair and one to serve as vice chair. No member of the Board may serve as chair more than four years in succession. If a Board member is unable to continue to serve as an officer, a replacement will be elected immediately.

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BBFB – Board Member Ethics and Nepotism

In order to avoid both potential and actual conflicts of interests, Board members will abide by the following rules when a Board member’s relative or member of the household is seeking and/or holds a position with the district: 1. A Board member may not appoint, employ, promote, discharge, fire, or demote or advocate for such an employment decision for a relative or a member of the household,

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BBB – Board Elections

1. Number of Directors The Board will consist of five members elected at large and will be known as the district school board. The term of office shall be four years. 2. Designation of Board Positions Board members’ positions and their respective successors in office will be designated by numbers as Position No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5.

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BB – Board Legal Status

The Constitution of the state of Oregon charges the legislature with providing by statute for a uniform and general system of common schools. The legislature enacts laws to delegate the immediate control of the schools by locally elected boards of directors. Thus, the Board is the governing body of the Sisters School District # 6

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